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Sunday, July 6, 2014

A new kind of ghost

Hey, guys!

So, I just realized what a total brain fart I've been having about my blog. I looked through my settings today and I found out that even though I've been telling you guys to leave comments with feedback about my blog and content, I've limited who can leave comments. I was wondering why no one was commenting. My fault.

As soon as I found that out, I fixed it so that now anyone can comment on my blog. Sorry about that, guys! So now you can comment to your hearts' content. I just ask that you please respect each other and my blog in your comments.

Maybe now I can get some feedback about what books you guys would like to read about, whether or not you enjoy the writing exercises and lists, and about what a good job I'm doing in general.

Oh, and by the way, I know what a stupid mistake it was to ask for comments without realizing that I had restricted who can comment when I started this blog, so let's please leave this out of the comments, shall we?

So, now that that has been dealt with, on to a new review.

Have any of you ever heard of the novel Swoon by Nina Malkin? Anyone? Bueller?

All right, then. Once upon a time, Dice and her cousin, Pen, were getting high when Pen decided to show off her athletic ability by climbing a tree. And down she went. She lived, but ever since then, her behavior has . . . changed. Drastically. Still the same Pen on the surface, but causing a lot more drama.

But it's not her fault, the poor dear.

It turns out that when she took that fall from the tree, the spirit of Sinclair Youngblood Powers (a.k.a. Sin) had entered her earthly vessel. Okay, that sounded a lot weirder than I intended it to, but bottom line, Pen is possessed by a ghost who wants to cause all kinds of trouble for the small Connecticut town.

So, now what? Dice and Pen perform their own little exorcism as per Sin's specific instructions . . . sounds like a great idea, huh? Let's ask the ghost how to free his spirit and let our Pen go.

Well, as per Sin's instructions, rather than freeing his spirit, Dice and Pen have just given him a flesh and blood body to walk around in and raise hell with.

Oh, yeah. And guess who has fallen head over heels in love with the dead man walking? Oh, Dice. The heart wants what the heart wants, I suppose.

So now, Dice and Pen have to figure out why Sin tricked them, why he wants revenge on their town, and what happened to make him so angry. And whether or not he's just using Dice to his own end or if he has feelings for her, too. But that's just a bonus question.

And if you would like answers to these questions, you will have to read this book for yourself. It's dark and sexy, so I would recommend it for a mature audience. Possibly upper middle school or high school level due to content.

Trust me though, I read it when I was in middle school, and I just wasn't mature enough for it. When I read it again during my junior year of high school, I was a lot more mentally prepared for it. Just saying.

Seriously, though, it's a good book. My only complaint is that the heroine is a little too lovesick for my taste. But I will give her this: she doesn't let that get in her way when it comes to saving her cousin, her friends, and her town.

Hope you enjoyed this review, and hope I can now look forward to reading some comments. Like I said, my fault.

Check in again this week for more reviews and lists and possibly a writing exercise or two.

Happy reading!

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