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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Writing Prompt: Time Machine

Hey, guys!

Try to put Doctor Who and Back to the Future out of your mind for this writing prompt.

Imagine you have come across a time machine. You enter and manage to use the device in order to set it to a specific date and time. Where are you going and why?

Is it your birth? The day your parents met? A historical event? A certain time period that you are totally obsessed with? It can be anything! And it doesn't have to be you who uses the time machine; as always, you can create a character of your own for this prompt.

Maybe your character wants to go back in time to see a passed loved one when they were still alive. Maybe they want to go back in time to stop themselves from doing something (pulling a prank, going to a party, drinking underage, etc.) or to convince their younger counterpart that they should do something (ask their crush out, go on a trip somewhere, etc.).

And don't forget to include the most important (and arguably the trickiest) part of this prompt: what are the consequences of your character screwing with the laws of nature and travelling through time? How did their lives change in the present based off of what they did in the past?

Happy writing!!!

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