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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Disney side characters

Hey, guys!!

I'm probably beating this series of lists to death, but what can I say? Write what you love.

I've already written a list of my favorite Disney heroes and heroines, so now I'm going to do a list of my favorite Disney side characters of all time. You guys ready for this?

1) Olaf (Frozen)

In case you haven't figured it out, I love this movie. And Olaf is not only absolutely adorable and hilarious, he also likes warm hugs. Because, who doesn't? Pretty much half of the comic relief from that movie comes from Olaf. Sure he's a bit ignorant and goofy, but that's part of what makes him so lovable. My case has been made. Your witness.

2) Scuttle (The Little Mermaid)

I know that Ariel wasn't on my list for Disney Princesses and Eric wasn't on my list for Disney Princes, but that's just because I have such qualms with their characters now. Back when I was a kid, I absolutely adored this movie. Because what little girl doesn't want to be a mermaid?

Anyway, Scuttle is an awesome character (and by awesome, I mean quirky). He thinks he knows what's what but it turns out that's only true half the time. Annoying in most other characters, but Scuttle manages to pull it off.

3) Mushu (Mulan)

Voiced by Eddie Murphy. A conniving and lying character looking out for only himself. But he does change. And he's funny. Enough said.

4) Stitch (Lilo and Stitch)

A manic alien who destroys everything he touches. But strangely easy to relate to, given that he's just trying to find his place in the world. Guess it's a pretty universal theme (yes, pun intended). Plus, he's "so cute and fluffy!"

5) Captain (Treasure Planet)

Let me just say that I just watched this movie for the first time in years, and I love it even more now. Probably because I didn't understand anything that character's said. Especially anything that came out of the Captain's mouth. But now that I have a fresh perspective on it, the Captain is intelligent and witty, even while putting down Dr. Doppler. Bottom line, she's insulting but funny. I wish my insults were half as funny.

6) Iago (Aladdin)

Okay, not only is the parrot named after my favorite Shakespeare villain of all time, but he's a very interesting character on his own. Half the time he appears to be a look-after-number-one kind of guy, but he submits to Jafar's will at every turn. The only thing keeping me from hating him entirely is his wise-cracking. He may be submissive, but he does it with attitude.

7) Dr. Delbert Doppler (Treasure Planet)

Despite the fact that his profession often causes bouts of self-pity and a general feeling of worthlessness, Doppler has a passion for what he does, and I can't help but admire him for that. He reminds me of Leonard from The Big Bang Theory: he's often under-appreciated for what he does, but he's loves it and he's utterly quirky.

8) Ray (The Princess and the Frog)

I love them lovable characters. Despite his background on the bayou, Ray is actually rather charming in his own unique way. I also love the way he loves his Evangeline unconditionally, despite what others may think or say. I'm not ashamed to admit that I was tearing up when his star appeared in the sky next to Evangeline.

9) Gus-Gus (Cinderella)

Not a huge fan of the premise of the movie, myself. However, I have to love Gus-Gus. He's not too smart, but he's absolutely adorable. That is all there is to it.

10) Maximus (Tangled)

This horse may have a bad habit of holding grudges, but everyone has flaws. I just love his attitude and commitment. Such an interesting combination in an animal.

11) Merryweather (Sleeping Beauty)

I mention attitude a lot. But what can I say? She's doesn't have the typical attitude of a good fairy, and I respect her for that.

As you guys may have noticed, this list was a bit longer than the other Disney lists. That's because there are a lot of general Disney characters and I love a good deal of them.

If anybody would like to post a comment to share his or her favorite Disney character or with feedback about my blog, be my guest. Hope you enjoyed.

Happy reading!!

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