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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

List: If I didn't have to sleep

Hey, guys!

So sorry this post is late. I wish I weren't so in love with sleep. I'd get so much more done. But I'd also feel horrible. Which is why I go to bed relatively early (well, I go to bed early in comparison to my brother's bedtime).

This is part of the reason why I've had to make another tough decision about my blog. From now on, there's only going to be one book review a week on Thursdays. Tuesdays I will have a new list posted.

If I had time to read for fun, things would be different, but as of right now, I have no free time. Five classes and two jobs doesn't leave much time to read for fun when I also have to read novels for a literature class.

Really sorry about this, guys. Hopefully you'll find the lists entertaining if nothing else. When I'm on break, I'll get cracking on reading some of those books I mentioned in last week's list.

In the meantime, here's this week's list. The theme is Things I Would Do If I Didn't Have to Sleep. Has a nice ring to it, huh?

1) Read for fun (so that I can review more books).

2) Write a novel (or at least finish writing a few short stories I've been working on).

3) Blog (so I wouldn't have any more late posts).

4) Last minute homework assignments (I don't think I need to explain this one).

5) Netflix (my family just got this and it is a beautiful thing).

If I could do all of these things during the time I would normally spend sleeping, I'd get a lot more done and could spend more time with family and friends during the day.

Alas, I must sleep because I love sleep. It's more of a love-hate relationship though. So much time spent sleeping. Oh, well.

Sorry again about the late post and the change in plans but I hope you guys understand and that I'm still your favorite :)

Until next time.

Happy reading!!

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