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Friday, August 22, 2014

Zombies Everywhere

Hey, guys!

Story time. Once upon a time I went to the movies with my mom and my brother. I forget what we went to see, but I do remember seeing a trailer for the upcoming movie Warm Bodies. I watched the trailer in rapt attention. When it was over, I leaned towards my mom.

"That looks like a good movie," I whispered.

"It looks stupid," she responded.

Then I went home and bought the book by Isaac Marion on my Kindle. The End.

You get the picture: same deal as If I Stay by Gayle Forman. Except with zombies. And I know that a lot of you will be put off by the idea of a zombie romance, but hear me out.

Basically, the world has ended and nobody really remembers how the zombies came around; they just did. So, now the humans are holed up in an old stadium, which they repurposed to keep out the zombies and to make their home. Houses, farms, gardens, public services, the whole shabang.

Meanwhile, the zombies stick around this old airport. It's a metaphor. So, this one zombie, R, is pretty different from the others. For one thing, he feels bad about eating people. But he's a zombie; he can't help it. For another thing, he collects human stuff in his airplane home.

But not everyone shares his appreciation for human life. The Bonies, for example, have no remorse whatsoever. They are zombies that are so old that they are just bones. Cruel, scary, and dangerous, you do not want to mess with these guys.

So, one day, R is hungry. Even though he ate a few days ago, he's starving. So he and his friend, M, go back into the city and see if they can find some human scouts.

And indeed they find some tasty human snacks. But I should explain something first. Zombies don't dream . . . I know, I know it's quite the shocker, right? But get this: eating a human's brain is the best part, because the zombies can see that human's memories. Which is kind of like dreaming when you think about it.

Back to the summary. After snacking on the brains of some poor guy named Perry, R comes face to face with Julie. Yes, Julie, also known as Perry's girlfriend. But don't worry, R's not going to eat her.

Instead, he covers her in blood to hide the smell of her status as a living, breathing human and takes her back to the airport with him. What could possibly go wrong?

In addition to all the zombies and Bonies roaming about, Julie isn't too fond of being held captive by a zombie. But R can't really help it; she just makes him feel so . . . alive. And that's how it all starts.

A totally unorthodox love story, but it was bound to happen. And I know that it sounds pretty cheesy, guys, but it is not the sappy romance like all the others. It is told in such a mature and sophisticated nature that it just works in a way that a zombie-boyfriend story shouldn't.

Plus, it says a whole lot about love and human nature and I definitely think it would be worth your while to read. Just give it a try. I would recommend it for a high school audience or above.

I also recommend the movie. Although the movie is a lot more sarcastic and teen-angsty (plus the ending is totally different), it's funny and sweet and a good movie in its own right.

Hope you guys enjoyed and that you'll read the book. Also, check back for more. Until next time.

Happy reading!!

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