Hey, guys!
Just finished reading Pretties by Scott Westerfield, which is the sequel to Uglies. Like Uglies, I read Pretties in middle school and didn't really retain much. So I reread it. Good stuff.
Now, let's see if I can write a review of Pretties without giving away the ending to Uglies. Doubtful, but worth a shot.
So, in the beginning of Pretties, Tally is a pretty. Well, it didn't take long to give it away. But I think the title does that for me anyway.
Okay, so Tally's gotten the pretty operation and she's in New Pretty Town, and she's going to a costume party with her new clique called the Crims. Crim is short for criminal and is a clique for pretties who played a lot of tricks as uglies.
So, Tally's at this awesome bash and she feels like she's exactly where she's always wanted to be ever since she was an ugly, when an ugly crashes the party.
And not just any ugly. It's Croy, someone whom Tally had known as an ugly. Someone who had run away to the Smoke as an ugly. And he's brought something for Tally.
Hmmm, would I be giving anything away by telling you guys what Croy brought for Tally? Only a little. But I think it's worth it for the sake of this review.
Basically, when Tally got the pretty operation, she didn't just end up looking pretty: she thinks pretty now, too. What does that mean? Well, when you get right down to it, she's a total ditz because of the operation. But that's no accident or terrible side-effect.
The doctors made her - and every other pretty - like that on purpose. And Croy brought the cure.
After the party, Tally would've totally forgotten about the cure if it weren't for a fellow Crim: Zane. Turns out that he's been fighting being pretty-minded ever since he became a pretty. He doesn't eat much, binges on coffee instead of booze, and hoverboards often.
See, Zane discovered all on his own that fighting pretty-mindedness, also known as "staying bubbly," keeps him from being like everyone else. And when he meets Tally, he helps her find where Croy hid the cure from authorities, and then takes the cure with her.
Now Zane and Tally have been getting bubblier by the day, despite Zane's headaches and Tally's struggle to stay bubbly. And now that they're cured, they know that they can't stay in the city anymore. They have to escape and find the Smoke again.
With the authorities after them (terrifying pretties known as Special Circumstances), Zane and Tally have to plan the biggest trick of all just to find their freedom.
This is an excellent second installment of the series. It isn't as fast-paced as Uglies in some parts, but I'm just nit-picking about that. Still action-packed and still thought-provoking. Recommended for middle school and high school audiences, but when you think about it, YA literature is pretty universal. Am I right?
Hope you enjoyed the review and that you'll think about reading the book. As always, check back for more reviews and writing exercises. Until next time, guys.
Happy reading!!
Just finished reading Pretties by Scott Westerfield, which is the sequel to Uglies. Like Uglies, I read Pretties in middle school and didn't really retain much. So I reread it. Good stuff.
Now, let's see if I can write a review of Pretties without giving away the ending to Uglies. Doubtful, but worth a shot.
So, in the beginning of Pretties, Tally is a pretty. Well, it didn't take long to give it away. But I think the title does that for me anyway.
Okay, so Tally's gotten the pretty operation and she's in New Pretty Town, and she's going to a costume party with her new clique called the Crims. Crim is short for criminal and is a clique for pretties who played a lot of tricks as uglies.
So, Tally's at this awesome bash and she feels like she's exactly where she's always wanted to be ever since she was an ugly, when an ugly crashes the party.
And not just any ugly. It's Croy, someone whom Tally had known as an ugly. Someone who had run away to the Smoke as an ugly. And he's brought something for Tally.
Hmmm, would I be giving anything away by telling you guys what Croy brought for Tally? Only a little. But I think it's worth it for the sake of this review.
Basically, when Tally got the pretty operation, she didn't just end up looking pretty: she thinks pretty now, too. What does that mean? Well, when you get right down to it, she's a total ditz because of the operation. But that's no accident or terrible side-effect.
The doctors made her - and every other pretty - like that on purpose. And Croy brought the cure.
After the party, Tally would've totally forgotten about the cure if it weren't for a fellow Crim: Zane. Turns out that he's been fighting being pretty-minded ever since he became a pretty. He doesn't eat much, binges on coffee instead of booze, and hoverboards often.
See, Zane discovered all on his own that fighting pretty-mindedness, also known as "staying bubbly," keeps him from being like everyone else. And when he meets Tally, he helps her find where Croy hid the cure from authorities, and then takes the cure with her.
Now Zane and Tally have been getting bubblier by the day, despite Zane's headaches and Tally's struggle to stay bubbly. And now that they're cured, they know that they can't stay in the city anymore. They have to escape and find the Smoke again.
With the authorities after them (terrifying pretties known as Special Circumstances), Zane and Tally have to plan the biggest trick of all just to find their freedom.
This is an excellent second installment of the series. It isn't as fast-paced as Uglies in some parts, but I'm just nit-picking about that. Still action-packed and still thought-provoking. Recommended for middle school and high school audiences, but when you think about it, YA literature is pretty universal. Am I right?
Hope you enjoyed the review and that you'll think about reading the book. As always, check back for more reviews and writing exercises. Until next time, guys.
Happy reading!!